Multiflora Rose, An Invasive But Nutritious Wild Edible

Rosa multiflora

Roses are one of the most popular plants known to mankind.  Their history as a cultivated plant goes back at least 5000 years.  The Multiflora Rose (Rosa multiflora), also known as Japanese Rose is a native Asian rose that has become invasive in many parts of the United States and Canada.  The edibility and medicinal […]

Eastern White Pine, An Effective Remedy For The Common Cold

Pinus Strobus Eastern White Pine

Eastern White Pine (Pinus strobus) is a common native forest and landscape tree in the eastern half of the United States.  The Pines (Genus: Pinus) are a prolific genus of trees and shrubs including slightly more than 100 species.  This particular species is a long lived tree, some exceptional specimens have been estimated to be […]

Canadian Hemlock, A Hot Winter Tea

Tsuga Canadensis needles and cones

Canadian Hemlock(Tsuga canadensis), also known as Eastern Hemlock is a large forest tree native to North Eastern United States and parts of Canada. There are other species in the same genus that grow in the western part of the continent, this article generally applies to those species as well.  Canadian Hemlock is an evergreen tree […]

Surprisingly, Smoking Tobacco From A Pipe May Have Health Benefits

Native American Smoking A Pipe

our facebook page for additional articles and updates. Follow us on Twitter @EatThePlanetOrg Why Are We Told That Smoking Is So Bad For Us? Because smoking cigarettes is. It harms almost every organ in your body. It causes 20% of all deaths in the united states annually. Cigarettes often contain poisons such as acetone, ammonia, […]

Sassafras, An Illegal Substance That Grows Wild In Our Back Yards

Sassafras albidum leaf shapes

Sassafras Tree Sassafras is the primary ingredient in traditional root beer as well as being used in the production of MDMA(ecstasy) and MDA. Sassafras tree (Sassafras albidum) is a very common native plant in the Eastern United States. It is often seen in clumps of weedy saplings, but as sassafrases mature they can grow to be large trees. There […]

What is the story behind the banning of Safrole?

Sassafras albidum

Safrole which is a unique substance in Sassafras can not be found in significant quantity in any food products sold in the united states today. On the surface it looks like a clear and simple reason. Official Reason behind the banning of Safrole In the 1950s in a government study, Safrole had been force fed […]

Eastern Red Cedar Berries, A Touch of Natural Flavor

Eastern red cedar berries

Editor’s note: This article was originally published in December 2013. Updated April 2022. Eastern red cedar (Juniperus virginiana) is a very common native plant in Eastern North America. The common name can be slightly misleading as it’s technically not a true cedar but a juniper. These tall, slim trees with their waxy, light blue-colored berries […]

Turkey Tail, A Powerful Medicinal Mushroom

Trametes versicolor, Turkey Tail Mushroom

Turkey Tail Mushroom (Trametes versicolor) is a very common mushroom that can be found all over the world.  It is a decayer of wood and the mushrooms last a long time, often living into the winter. Turkey Tail Mushroom is an ancient indigenous medicine for different cultures around the world. It can be found growing […]

Wild Garlic, A Great Addition to Foraged Meals

Allium vineale, Wild Garlic

There are a number of plants that go by the name wild garlic, this article focuses on a very common species, Allium vineale which is also called crow garlic.  This species has been introduced from Europe and Africa. Onions, Leeks, Garlic, and Shallots all are in the genus Allium and there are multiple wild plants […]

Mission Statement

Our Mission is To teach and learn about all the edible things this earth has to offer and why eating an extremely diverse diet is better for people and planet. Eating wild edibles has historically been one of the most important skills a person could have. It has been ingrained in the culture of mankind […]

Linden Tree – Abundant Edible Leaves and Flowers

Linden Tree, Tilia cordata, Small leaved Linden leaves and flower bunches

If you can’t find a Linden Tree in the wild you can purchase seeds here: American Linden (Tilia americana) – 40 seeds Little Leaf Linden (Tilia cordata) – 40 seeds The American Linden Tree (Tilia americana) is a New England Native Tree that also goes by the name Basswood Tree. This article also applies to many other […]

Purslane, A Wild Edible Weed With Many Culinary Uses

PPortulaca oleracea, Purslane Leaves and Flowers

Purslane(Portulaca oleracea), also known as Little Hogweed and Moss Rose is a very common weed throughout the US and Canada and other parts of the world. It grows in planting beds, cracks in driveways and sidewalks and any other sunny area. It is not a lawn weed, it does not grow well when competing with […]

Staghorn Sumac, Native American Lemonade

Rhus typhina, Staghorn Sumac fruit cluster

The first thing we think about when we hear the word sumac is the dreaded poison sumac. Just to clarify, the Sumac we are speaking of here is in the Genus: Rhus, the poison sumac is in the Genus Toxidendron, with Poison Ivy and Poison Oak. To make matters more confusing Poison Ivy, Oak and […]

What The Heck Is Mucilage?

Cocoa seeds with and without mucilage coating

Many plants produce a substance known as mucilage, it is also produced by some fungus, bacteria and animals. Mucilage is a thick, gluey substance, produced by almost all plants but found in higher concentrations in specific species. If you’ve ever cut open an Aloe vera plant then you know what mucilage is, it’s what makes […]

Yard Plantain, An Ancient Herb For Eating And Healing

Yard Plantain Leaves and Stalk

The yard plantain(Genus: Plantago) is a very common low growing leafy plant. Different species of plantains in the genus Plantago grow all over the globe. Common species In The United States are Common Plantain (Plantago major), Ribwort Plantain (Plantago lanceolata) and Blackseed Plantain(Plantago rugelii).  Blackseed Plantain is a traditional Native American medicine and food source. […]

Safe Foraging: Pesticides, Poisons, And Allergies

Amelanchier lamarckii fruit and leaves

Foraging for wild edible plants, bugs and fungus can and should be an enjoyable experience for all.  But there are some guidelines to follow for safe foraging.  There are 3 primary cautions associated with foraging for anything and these are: 1) Accidentally eating a poisonous organism, or a poisonous part of an organism that may […]

Wild Violets Are A Versatile Edible Plant

Leaf Shape and growth pattern is on ID feature

Wild Violets Johnny jump ups, hearts ease, pansies, wild violets, and a host of other names all point to plants in the Viola genus. There are 400-500 species worldwide and they can be found in almost all temperate climates.  In the North Eastern United States Viola sororia is a common wild violet.  This information also […]

What Is Your Ancestral Diet?

Early Humans

Imagine the earth in 50,000 BC. Mankind is entering the final stages of its evolutionary journey from animal to human.  How is he living? And what is he eating?  What types of foods? And how are they processed?  We have all heard that we need to eat a natural diet, full of fresh fruits and […]

Rose of Sharon Tree, A Beautiful Edible

Rose of Sharon Flower

Rose of Sharon Tree Rose of sharon (Hibiscus syriacus) is a landscape plant native to Asia but very commonly planted in the US. It is a cold hardy tree or shrub with large tropical looking flowers, unmistakable once you’ve seen them.  Its edibility is often unknown, but there are a number of reasons to consider […]