Foraging Tours and Classes in Kentucky

Adjacent States Illinois, Indiana, Missouri, Ohio, Tennessee, Virginia, West Virginia 1. The Hungry Forager The Hungry Forager was established by George Barnett in early April 2020. As George studied trees, fungi, plants, and ecology over the previous four years, he was always foraging in his free time. The Hungry Forager provides wild food education and […]
Foraging Tours and Classes in Wisconsin

Adjacent States Illinois, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota 1. Wisconsin Mycological Society Wisconsin Mycological Society is a group focused on learning about wild mushrooms and fungi, located in Wisconsin. They offer more than 20 one-day forays all over the state, educational lectures (both in-person and via Zoom), summer retreats with experts (including events that focus on plants […]
Foraging Tours and Classes in Indiana

Adjacent States Illinois, Kentucky, Michigan, Ohio 1. The Indiana Herbal Center Katherine Novotny manages The Indiana Herbal Center. She is a western clinical herbal educator, practitioner, folklore enthusiast, and an urban homesteader/beekeeper. The Indiana Herbal Center is a place where you learn and reconnect with plants as medicine. She offers classes and apprenticeships. More information: […]
Foraging Tours and Classes in Iowa

Adjacent States Illinois, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, South Dakota, Wisconsin 1. Prairie States Mushroom Club Dr. Don Huffman and Dr. Lois Tiffany are the founders of Prairie States Mushroom Club. They host activities related to fungi and mushrooms appreciation and learning and offer foraging classes. More information: Contact: Events Schedule:
Lion’s Mane – An Edible Mushroom That is Unmistakable

Lion’s mane mushroom strictly refers to Hericium erinaceus but other members of the genus Hericium are very similar and can be identified and used in the same ways. This is a genus of edible mushrooms that also have medicinal properties. These mushrooms are easy to identify and have a great unique flavor. Mushrooms in the […]
Turkey Tail, A Powerful Medicinal Mushroom

Turkey Tail Mushroom (Trametes versicolor) is a very common mushroom that can be found all over the world. It is a decayer of wood and the mushrooms last a long time, often living into the winter. Turkey Tail Mushroom is an ancient indigenous medicine for different cultures around the world. It can be found growing […]
Mission Statement
Our Mission is To teach and learn about all the edible things this earth has to offer and why eating an extremely diverse diet is better for people and planet. Eating wild edibles has historically been one of the most important skills a person could have. It has been ingrained in the culture of mankind […]
Shiitake Mushrooms, Easy To Grow In Your Own BackYard

Here is the easiest Shiitake Mushroom Spawn Kit I could find for sale, since it’s difficult to find Shiitake Mushrooms in the wild. Shiitake Mushroom Indoor Home Spawn Kit Shiitake Mushroom(Lentinula edodes) is a mushroom native to Japan. It is not seen growing wild in The United States. This is a popular mushroom in Asia […]
Puffball Mushroom, You’ll Be Ok If You Follow One ID Feature

Editor’s note: This article was originally published in May 2013. Updated April 2022. Puffball mushrooms (Genus: Calvatia, Bovista, and others) are a fantastic wild edible. With a little examination, they have easily identifiable characteristics and they’re a common find in many meadows and forests. However, they do have some extremely poisonous look-a-likes to be wary of, […]
Safe Foraging: Pesticides, Poisons, And Allergies

Foraging for wild edible plants, bugs and fungus can and should be an enjoyable experience for all. But there are some guidelines to follow for safe foraging. There are 3 primary cautions associated with foraging for anything and these are: 1) Accidentally eating a poisonous organism, or a poisonous part of an organism that may […]
Jelly Roll Fungus, sounds better than it looks, but it’s edible.

The name Jelly Roll (Exidia recisa, glandulosa, nigricans) conjures up images of home made pastries with jelly and sugar, but once you see a picture of this fungus you’ll see the humor in the name. A very unsightly fungus to say the least, but Amber, Black, or Brown Jelly Roll is in the group of […]
What Is Your Ancestral Diet?

Imagine the earth in 50,000 BC. Mankind is entering the final stages of its evolutionary journey from animal to human. How is he living? And what is he eating? What types of foods? And how are they processed? We have all heard that we need to eat a natural diet, full of fresh fruits and […]
Chicken Of The Woods, An Easy To ID Meat Substitute

If you’re a beginner to fungus foraging, Chicken of the woods( Genus: Laetiporus) is a great fungus to seek out because it’s widespread in The United States and easy to distinguish from any look-a-likes as long as you know a few fundamental identification features. There are a number of species in the genus that all […]