Wild Bay Leaf: A Fragrant and Versatile Plant

An Introduction to Wild Bay leaf Umbellularia californica or Wild Bay Leaf as it’s called is another Native American plant/tree indigenous to the state of Oregon and likewise also California. It goes by many names, from California Bay to Cinnamon bush to headache or even peppernut tree. It has various unusual properties that set it […]
Wild Bergamot: The leafy healer we always needed

An Introduction to Wild Bergamot (A Native American Herb): The Wild Bergamot is a Native American herb that lies in the mint family. Its scientific name is Monarda fistulosa. This plant is native to North America. It is quite common throughout the region with a lot species and subspecies to be found. It is a […]
American Wild Mint

An Introduction to Wild Mint: Mentha candensis, or American Wild Mint, is an extant mint species and Native American Herb commonly found in North America but is also native to East Asia. This can be somewhat confusing since this American native is also called Japanese or Chinese wild mint. It is one of the most […]
5 Yard Weeds You Can Forage From Home

Foraging for wild and edible plants does not have to take you far from home. Whilst some plants will be found on rocky mountainous outcrops, riverbanks or forest lowlands. You may be surprised to know that a number of edible plants and weeds can be foraged and collected from your own back yard. Once […]
5 Common Trees with Edible Leaves

Many of those who are new to foraging for wild plants and fruits are often surprised to learn that a number of trees actually produce edible shoots and leaves. We are so conditioned to assume only bushy leafed, commercially farmed vegetables such as salad leaves are safe to eat. However, some trees exist throughout the […]
Common Reed (Phragmites), an Age Old Sweet Treat

Common Reed (Phragmites australis subsp. americanus), is a subspecies of tall, perennial wetland grass that is native to the US. A subject of much scientific debate, it was once thought to be an introduced species from European colonisers. But studies have known shown this subspecies has been established in the US for thousands of years. […]
Waterlily, a Decorative and Nutritious Wild Edible

Waterlily (Nymphaea spp.), a beautiful, staple feature in many garden ponds. But did you know the ornate water lily is also a wild edible of the midwest? Found throughout the world, a number of waterlily species are endemic to North America and can be found often in the wild. You may come across a variety […]
American Lotus, Fun to Forage and Highly Nutritious

American Lotus (Nelumbo lutea), are the bright eye catching lotus flowers that have likely caught your eye across lakes, ponds and slow moving rivers. They are a native species to the US, with high populations within a number of midwestern and southeastern states. You may also know them simply as yellow lotus or water-chinquapin, likening […]
Mulberry, Wild Sweet Fruits and Favored in the Silk Industry

Mulberry (Morus spp.), is a commonly occurring tree found across the states. Mulberries feature in a number of nursery rhymes some of us may remember from childhood. Particularly the “Here We Go Round the Mulberry Bush” rhyme. Once a popular food source during colonial times, as time passed, other berries and exotic fruits captured our […]
Chamomile: Just a tinge brightens up your day

An Introduction to Chamomile: Chamomile is a famous flowering herb commonly used in various teas plus medicine along with food and beverages. Two varieties are prominently available, being the German chamomile or Chamomile recutita and the Roman chamomile or Chamaemelum nobile. The bitterness and scent alone are the principal characteristics that people seek when using […]
Ginseng: Energy one sprinkle at a time

Title and Common name: Ginseng is a highly beneficial root and an effective one at that. Forming up the Genus Panax there are many variants of Ginseng present throughout the corners of the earth. Scientific name plus an introduction: The types include an American Variant (Panax Quinquefolius), the Korean variant (Panax Ginseng), a Chinese Variant […]
Oregano: A baker’s aromatic best friend

An Introduction to Oregano: Oregano is a member of the mint family known for its culinary and medicinal uses. The most common species is Origanum vulgare. It is one of the most commonly sought after herbs around the world. A perennial herbaceous plant, it grows up to around 2.5 feet in height with purple flowers. […]
Lemongrass: When life gives you lemongrass make tea!

An Introduction to Lemon Grass: Lemongrass is an herb from the grass family that should be on everyone’s grocery list. Hailing from the Cymbopogon genus, it has its roots in medicinal culture the world over (literally). This famous grass is also a wonderful culinary ingredient. There are so many variants of lemongrass present in various regions of the world. Listing down each type […]
Rosemary: A fragrant blessing in herby disguise

An Introduction to Rosemary: Rosemary is a very aromatic perennial herb which has thin leaves and flowers of distinct shades. The most common species name is Salvia rosmarinus and the name itself means flower in the Greek language where it was derived from. There are many more species of rosemary, but rosmarinus is the most […]
Partridge Berry, a Nutritious Trailside Treat

Partridge Berry (Mitchella repens), is a low growing, evergreen vine that trails along forest and woodland floors. It is native to North America, particularly the northeastern states, and areas of Southern Canada. It is frequently grown as an ornamental in other countries, and can often escape cultivation and enter the wild. A food source for […]
Wild Mint, Fragrant Leaves and Digestive Aid

Wild mint (Mentha spp.), belongs to a genus of heavily fragrant and aromatic plants. The Mentha genus is the eponymous member of the mint family ‘Lamiaceae’. The mint genus contains the classic age old favorite, spearmint or (Mentha spicata). A common choice when browsing for mint seeds in garden centers. However it is no longer […]
Black Walnut, Grandiose and Medicinally Valuable

Black walnut (Juglans nigra), is a deciduous tree that can be found throughout the eastern, and midwestern states. Valued for its wood and the coveted walnuts, black walnut trees are a pioneer species that are fairly prolific in the wild. They are often cultivated for their wood and nuts simultaneously. Trading the wood gives growers […]
Day Lily, an Ornate and Versatile Edible

Day lily (Hemerocallis fulva), commonly known as orange day lily or tiger daylily, is a bright, showy and greatly recognisable perennial. They are a common feature across the US, although originally native to Asia. Day lilies have spread throughout the world, through trade and their use as an ornamental garden plant. It has a varied […]
Honey Locust, Menacing Thorns Protecting a Sweet Treat

Honey Locust (Gleditsia triacanthos), is a deciduous tree and a member of the bean/pea family. It bears long seed filled pods in fall, of which the pulp is sweet and edible. Also commonly known as a thorny locust, this native American tree glows golden in the fall, but bears a menacing array of thorns. You’ll […]
Ash, a Wild Edible with a Threatened Future

Ash (Fraxinus spp.), refers to a collective genus of large flowering, deciduous trees. They can be found throughout the world, with a great number being native to North America. The white ash (Fraxinus americana) and green ash (Fraxinus pennsylvanica) are the most prolific ash species in the northeastern and midwestern states. Whilst the blue ash […]