Lavender, A Widely Popular and Fragrant Beauty

Lavender (Lavandula) is a widely popular and commonly cultivated member of the mint family. It consists of over 40 species of perennial, flowering plants, including the popular Lavandula angustifolia, or ‘English Lavender’. Lavender is native to large areas of the Mediterranean, North Africa, central Europe and many Atlantic islands, including Cape Verde. You will usually […]

Johnny Jump up (Heartsease), Dainty and Fragrant Blooms

Johnny Jump up (Viola tricolor) is a small perennial plant, native to large areas of Europe. It has now been largely naturalized within the US. You may know this plant by other names including, wild pansy, heartsease, heart’s delight and love-in-idleness. It is the ancestor of the commonly cultivated border plants, pansies. You can find […]

Hyssop, Attractive Flowers and a Great Herbal History

Hyssop (Hyssopus officinalis) is a small perennial shrub that belongs to the mint family. It was once only native to parts of the Middle East and large areas of Southern Europe. However due to its revered medicinal value it has been traded and transported across the world. You can find it growing within the US […]

Horseradish, Powerful Flavor with a Wealth of Uses

Horseradish (Armoracia rusticana) is a perennial plant, related to wasabi, mustard and broccoli. Originally native only to parts of Western Asia and South Eastern Europe. You can now find horseradish grown worldwide for its culinary value. You will see it growing wild alongside hedgerows, embankments and ditch edges. Horseradish is particularly hardy, so where ever […]

Horehound, A Weed to Some a Treat to Others

Horehound (Marrubium vulgare), otherwise known as white horehound or common horehound, is a perennial herb. It is a member of the mint family, native to large areas of Europe, Northern Africa and parts of South and Central Asia. You will now find it growing across many countries, with a large population now found across the […]

Hibiscus, Showy Edible Flowers and Cultural Significance

Hibiscus (Hibiscus rosa-sinensis) are a group of flowering plants native to temperate and tropical regions. You will find them growing in many countries including, Mexico, Malaysia, Hawaii and the Caribbean. Other names that you may know hibiscus by, include rose mallow, rose of Sharon, Hawaiian hibiscus and China rose. You will find them growing within […]

Goldenrod, Cheerful Blooms and Herbal Remedies

Goldenrod (Solidago) is a genus of plants from the daisy family (Asteraceae). Over 100 species can be found in the goldenrod genus. You will typically find them growing in the US, with some species residing in Mexico, South and Central America and also Europe. You will usually see them growing on open grasslands, embankments, meadows […]

Ginseng, Herbal Roots That Could Boost Energy

Ginseng (Panax quinquefolius) is a herbaceous and perennial plant native to the deciduous forests and mountainous slopes of North East America. You may also find particularly hardy varieties growing within parts of South East Canada. The Panax genus, or family, contains a variety of other ginseng species including Korean ginseng (Panax ginseng). You will find […]

Gingko Biloba, A Living Fossil Rich in Antioxidants

Gingko Biloba (Gingko Biloba) is an ancient species of deciduous tree, once native to China. You can now find it growing in a number of locations across the world as the tree has been widely cultivated. Gingko or maiden hair tree are names that you may also recognise. You can find populations growing within small […]

Ginger, Sweetly Spiced with Ornamental Value

Ginger (Zingiber officinale) is a widely used and extremely popular plant utilised primarily for its flavorful roots. It is a herbaceous perennial, and was domesticated through the centuries. You will not typically find ginger growing in its original wild state due to years of selective breeding. It was originally native to the Islands of South […]

Germander, Hardy Ground Cover with a Herbal History

Germander (Teucrium canadense) is a herbaceous plant and a member of the mint family. You may also know it by the name Canada germander, American germander or wood sage. It is native to North America and parts of Southern Canada. You will find it growing wild within many grasslands, forest edges, riversides, roadsides and also […]

Geraniums, Cheerful Color and Fragrant Oils

Geraniums (Pelargonium) are a group of perennial, flowering plants. You may also know them by the names pelargoniums or storkbills. The wild varieties are native to temperate and some tropical regions, including South Africa. However you will now find them growing in suitable, temperate climates around the World. Particularly in cultivated gardens and as house […]

Garlic, Irreplaceable Intense Flavoring

Garlic (Allium sativum) is perhaps one of the most widely used herbs on the planet. It is part of the onion family, with close relatives being shallots, leeks and chives. Garlic is native to parts of central Asia and has spread throughout the centuries to almost every part of the globe. You will find it […]

Foxglove, Elegant Flowers with a Toxic Twist

Foxglove (Digitalis purpurea) is a plant native to Southwest Europe. It can now be found growing throughout most of Europe and parts of North America. Usually shrub-like in appearance, this biennial plant can be found growing throughout a wide range of habitats. These include coastal areas, rocky slopes, mountainsides, woodlands, and moorland. Areas that have […]

Feverfew, A Cheerful Plant with Headache Curing Abilities

Feverfew (Tanacetum parthenium) is a member of the daisy family, Asteraceae. The plant is a bushy, herbaceous perennial, and you will typically find it growing to about 70cm in height. It has button like yellow and white flowers that you may mistake for a daisy. The leaves have a yellow-green hue, which are soft and […]

Fennel, Delicate Foilage and Highly Aromatic

Fennel (Foeniculum vulgare) is a perennial herb, originally native to coastal areas of the Mediterranean. You will now find it growing throughout the world, in herb gardens and within the wild. It typically grows in dry soil, within coastal areas or alongside riverbanks and streams. It is actually considered an invasive species within Australia and […]

Epazote, Extremely Pungent with an Ancient History

Epazote (Dysphania ambrosioides) is an annual, herbaceous and aromatic herb native to Central America, South America and also large parts of Mexico. You may also know this plant as wormseed, Mexican tea or Jesuit’s tea. As these names suggest, epazote has been commonly used as a herbal tea. However it can also be used as […]

Dittany of Crete, An Endangered Symbol of Love

Dittany of Crete (Origanum dictamnus) is a perennial plant native to the Greek island of Crete, hence its eponymous name. You may also know it by the names Wintersweet, Cretan Dittany, Diktamo or Hop Marjoram. You will find it growing wild along rocky slopes, mountainsides and grassy gorges. It is particularly aromatic and has a […]

Dill, Delicate Feathered Foliage and Fresh Flavoring

Dill (Anethum graveolens) is a popular herb used worldwide for its delicate hints of lemon, anise and celery like flavoring. It is cultivated throughout Europe and parts of Asia to be used within a wide range of dishes and condiments. It is an annual herb that is actually part of the celery family. You will […]

Cuban Oregano, Aromatic Depth and Ornamental Foilage

Cuban Oregano (Plectranthus amboinicus), commonly known as Mexican mint, Spanish thyme and Indian borage. It is a herbaceous succulent with a scent you may mistake for the herb oregano. It was once native to South and East Africa. However you will now find it growing in many other tropical areas, whether cultivated fields or in […]