10 Wild Edibles, You Should Know

This is a list of wild edibles that are abundant, easy to identify, and significant in one way or another. These are some of the basics that are good to know if you’re stuck in the woods in a survival scenario or simply camping and hiking. There are some basic identification features mentioned here but […]
Crickets, An Abundant Source of Protein Worldwide

Crickets( Family: Gryllidae) can be found in almost every area on the globe where humans live. Crickets are a substantial snack food for many people around the globe, including parts of Asian and Africa. Your native or local crickets can be collected and raised easily with very little, food water and space requirements. Edibility And […]
Land Shrimp, A Small Relative Of Our Favorite Seafood

Pillbugs, also known as woodlice, roly-polies, or land shrimp are a very common arthropod in the same taxonomic class as Shrimp and lobster. These small arthropods, are very recognizable, they have 11 body segments, and can be seen curling up in a ball for defense. They can easily be found under rotting logs or bark, […]
Coconut Grub, Bacon Without The Pig

Coconut Grub(Rhynchophorus ferrugineus) also called sago grub is the larvae of the red palm weevil, also known as Asian palm weevil or sago palm weevil. This beetle is present around the world with the larvae inhabiting a number of palm species. They are still spreading worldwide and are considered a pest species for palm plantations. […]
Grasshoppers and Locust, A Delicious Swarm Of Protein

The famous grasshopper( Suborder: Caelifera) is known as an edible insect to many people. This is often a first insect meal to people who have never eaten insects or bugs before. They are eaten in substantial amounts, in south America, Africa, Asia and some parts of the Middle East. There are some species that change […]