Morella pensylvanica – Northern Bayberry

Northern Bayberry (Morella pensylvanica) is a native shrub that can be found on coastlines and in swampy woodlands. Northern bayberry has alternate, waxy leaves which have a few shallow teeth at the tip end. The shrubs produce clusters of bluish gray fruits in the fall. In the spring, the tender leaves can be used fresh […]

Rhus copallinum – Winged Sumac

The Winged Sumac (Rhus copallinum) is a native plant with edible fruits. The winged sumac is in the same family as cashews, poison ivy, mangoes, and pistachios. Winged sumac has compound leaves which turn red in the fall. Fruit clusters can persist throughout the winter. All berries of red sumacs are edible. The berries produce […]

Vitis aestivalis – Summer Grapes

Summer grapes (Vitis aestivalis) are a native grape species that ripen in early November, when the berries turn deep purple. The first frost helps to sweeten the grapes. Wild grapes can be identified by their large three-lobed leaves, and mature dark brown, shaggy bark.   Wild grapes can be enjoyed raw or turned into jelly. […]

Quercus rubra – Northern Red Oak

The Northern Red Oak (Quercus rubra) is a fast growing tree that can reach up to 80 feet tall. Northern red oaks can live up to 400 years old.   There are two major groups of oak trees. Red and black oaks have sharper lobes that end in a point and nuts that take two […]

Carya ovata – Shagbark Hickory

Shagbark hickory (Carya ovata) is a native tree with edible nuts and bark that can be used to make a maple syrup substitute.  Shagbark hickory is one of the easiest trees to identify with its bark that peels off the tree. In the summer, the tree has leaves with five leaflets.    In the fall, […]

Albizia julibrissin – Mimosa Tree

The Mimosa tree (Albizia julibrissin) is an invasive tree from Asia and the Middle East. The mimosa tree has fern-like leaves and silky pompom flowers in the summer. The flowers become flat paper brown seed pods in late summer. Young mimosa leaves can be eaten cooked or dried and used for tea. Blossoms can be […]

Tilia americana – American Linden

The American Linden (Tilia americana) is a native tree with edible leaves, flowers, sap, and inner bark. The American linden has finely serrated heart-shaped leaves. The flowers and seeds hang downward from elongated leafy bracts. The fragrant flowers bloom for about two weeks in the middle of the summer. American linden leaf buds can be […]

Malus spp. – Wild Apples

Wild Apples (Malus spp.) are apple trees that grew from seed. The apples are considered crab apples if the fruit is less than 2 inches in diameter. There are over 40 species of crab apples across the world and 4 species that are native to the United States. Two of these species can be found […]

Maianthemum racemosum – False Solomon’s Seal

False Solomon’s Seal (Maianthemum racemosum) is a native woodland plant with edible berries. False Solomon’s seal has a long, arching stem and berries that turn bright red in late summer. It is in the Asparagus family. Berries are edible, but bittersweet. Berries should be eaten in moderation as large quantities can have a laxative effect. […]

Aronia melanocarpa – Black Chokeberries

Black Chokeberries (Aronia melanocarpa) are edible, native berries that mature in early Fall. Black chokeberries can be found near swamps, bogs, and lakes. They prefer wet areas. The thornless shrub is self-fertile, so you only need one plant to get berries. Each berry grows on its own stem, in clusters of 2-20 berries.   Leaves […]

Maianthemum canadense – Canada Mayflower

Canada Mayflower (Maianthemum canadense) is a native plant that can be found on forest floors. Canada mayflower has 1-3 shiny dark green leaves. The plant is less than 6 inches tall. In the fall, the plant has small red berries that have 1-2 seeds per berry. Fully ripe berries are edible raw or cooked. They […]

Rhus glabra – Smooth Sumac

Smooth Sumac (Rhus glabra) is a native woody shrub with edible berries. Smooth sumac has 11-31 pointed leaflets per leaf. Female plants will produce upright berry clusters, or drupes, that ripen to a dark red color in late summer. The berries can be picked through winter. Smooth sumac can be differentiated from Staghorn sumac (Rhus […]

Sambucus canadensis – Elderberries

Elderberries (Sambucus canadensis) are a native woody shrub that like to grow near water. Elderberries hang down in a cluster at the end of the branch. The leaves grow in 5-11 leaflets that are opposite and serrated. Elderberry leaves and stems are toxic. Berries should be cooked, and seeds removed to avoid stomach upset. Elderberry […]

Lindera benzoin – Spicebush

Spicebush (Lindera benzoin) is a native deciduous shrub that can be found in moist areas. Spicebush can be identified by its alternative, glossy leaves with smooth margins. The female plants produce glossy, red berries in early fall. The berries have a large seed inside. The shrub can grow up to 15 feet tall. Fruits and […]

Cornus kousa – Kousa Dogwood

Kousa Dogwood (Cornus kousa) is a common landscape plant that is native to Japan, Korea, and China. Kousa dogwood produces edible fruits that ripen in the end of summer. The fruits are ripe when the skin is orange-red and the fruit is slightly soft to the touch and easily pulls off the tree. The fruit […]

Hibiscus syriacus – Rose of Sharon

Rose of Sharon (Hibiscus syriacus) is an edible type of hibiscus that is native to Asia, but commonly planted in the United States. Rose of Sharon can be identified by its tropical-looking flowers and different shaped, asymmetrical leaves. The entire Rose of Sharon plant is edible. Leaves can be enjoyed spring-fall. The leaves taste similar […]

Rhus typhina – Staghorn sumac

Staghorn sumac (Rhus typhina) is a native deciduous tree or shrub in the cashew family. It can be found in sunny areas, along highways, and at the edge of meadows. Staghorn sumac has alternate, compound leaves with serrated edges. The leaves turn scarlet colored in autumn. The plant produces small yellow-green flowers that turn into […]

Oenothera biennis – Common Evening Primrose

Common Evening Primrose (Oenothera biennis) is a native plant that is edible tip to root. It can be found growing in yard edges and old fields. It will even grow in sand and clay. Evening primrose is a biennial, producing a basal rosette its first year and sending up a tall flower stalk its second […]

Nyssa sylvatica – Black tupelo

Black tupelo (Nyssa sylvatica) is a native tree that produces edible fruits in the fall. The tree can live hundreds of years and grow up to 100 feet tall. Black tupelo has alternate, single-lobed leaves that turn bright red in the fall. The branches come off the tree at a 90 degree angle. The tree […]

Apios americana – Groundnuts

Groundnuts (Apios americana) are a native plant in the pea family that can be found in crowded wet areas. It is a climbing, thin-stemmed vine with a 2-year growth cycle. Groundnut leaves have 3-9 toothless leaflets with pointed edges. They produce edible lavender to brown colored flowers. Tubers grow in a rhizome chain a few […]