Dacrymyces chrysospermus – Orange Jelly Fungus

Orange Jelly Fungus (Dacrymyces chrysospermus) is an edible mushroom that can be found year-round after heavy rains. Orange jelly fungus is found on conifers, often where bark is peeling off. It has a white base where the cap attaches to the wood. Orange jelly fungus is most often confused with Witches butter (Tremella mesenterica) which […]

Auricularia spp. – Wood Ears

Wood ears (Auricularia spp.) are edible jelly fungi that are commonly eaten in Asia. It is best to search for them the day after a large rainfall. Wood ears prefer cooler weather but could appear any time of the year. There are two wood ear species that grow in Connecticut. Auricularia americana grows on conifers, […]

Cryptoporus volvatus – Veiled Polypore

The Veiled Polypore (Cryptoporus volvatus) is a rare mushroom that grows on conifer trees. The pored surface is “veiled” by a thin, rounded layer of tissue. This allows the spores to pile up in the mushroom. When beetles enter the space, they are dusted with the spores and will therefore carry the spores into the […]

Stropharia rugosoannulata – Wine Caps

Wine Caps (Stropharia rugosoannulata) are a commonly cultivated mushroom that can be found throughout North America. Wine caps can be identified by their red cap which fades to brown as they age. Gills will be pale gray when the mushrooms are young, becoming purple-black as they age. They have a white veil which will be […]

Morchella americana – Yellow Morel

Yellow Morels (Morchella americana) are the most widely distributed morel in North America. There are over 20 species of morels in North America. Look for morels 1-3 days after spring rains, when soil temperatures are between 50-60 degrees F. Morels are mycorrhizal, often growing in old apple orchards, under ash, standing dead elms, tulip trees, […]

Cerioporus squamosus – Dryad’s Saddle

Dryad’s Saddle (Cerioporus squamosus) is a choice edible mushroom when found young. Dryad’s saddle, or Pheasant back, can be found in the spring and fall, fruiting on dead or dying hardwood trees. Look for the fungus 1-2 days after a heavy rain. The mushroom is parasitic, causing white rot disease to the tree. Dryad’s saddle […]

Larix laricina – Tamarack

Tamarack (Larix laricina) is a native deciduous conifer in the pine family.   Tamarack, also known as “American larch”, is usually the first tree to grow on filled lake bogs. It has 1-inch needles that grow in clusters of 10-20. The needles turn bright yellow in late autumn and then fell off. Tender spring shoots […]

Lepidium campestre – Field Pepperwort

Field Pepperwort (Lepidium campestre) is an edible plant in the Brassicaceae family that was introduced to the U.S. from Europe. Field pepperwort has alternate toothed leaves. It produces small white flowers with four petals at the top which are followed by flat, circular seed pods. Field pepperwort is most often found in disturbed land, waste […]

Lactuca canadensis – Canada Wild Lettuce

Canada Wild Lettuce (Lactuca canadensis) is a native edible and medicinal plant in the Daisy family. Wild lettuces can be identified by the hairs on the bottom of the leaf’s central vein. In Lactuca canadensis, the hairs are less consistent than in other species of Wild Lettuce. The young leaves and stems are edible but […]

Ganoderma tsugae – Hemlock Reishi

Reishi mushrooms have been used medicinally in Asia for over 2,000 years. Hemlock reishi (Ganoderma tsugae) fruit in New England from May-June. Hemlock reishi are most often found on dead or dying Eastern Hemlock trees. They like to grow near running water. Reishi are known as the “Mushroom of Immortality”. They can be used medicinally […]

Fragaria virginiana – Wild Strawberry

The Wild Strawberry (Fragaria virginiana) is a native berry that fruits late spring to early summer. Wild strawberries can be found in partial to full sun at the edge of fields, in woodland clearings, or along paths. The tiny berries are born on hairy stalks. The plant has three leaflets on a divided leaf. Fragaria […]

Amelanchier spp. – Serviceberries

Serviceberries (Amelanchier spp.) are a group of 20+ species of deciduous shrubs and small trees in the rose family. Serviceberries will usually be found in full sun. Serviceberries, also known as Juneberries, are one of the first trees to bloom in the spring and one of the first berries to ripen in the summer. The […]

Bondarzewia berkeleyi – Berkeley’s Polypore

Berkeley’s Polypore (Bondarzewia berkeleyi) is a mushroom that can be found at the base of hardwood trees in the summer and early fall.   Berkeley’s polypore usually causes parasitic butt rot to the hardwood tree that it grows next to. It will occasionally be found at the base of dead or dying trees, acting as […]

Achillea millefolium – Yarrow

Yarrow (Achillea millefolium) is a native plant with medicinal uses. Yarrow can be identified by its unique feathery leaves and pine-like scent. Yarrow is edible, but quite bitter so is more often used for its medicinal properties. Yarrow has anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial properties. It has also been used traditionally as a poultice to stop bleeding. […]

Lamiastrum galeobdolon – Yellow Archangel

Yellow archangel (Lamiastrum galeobdolon) is an edible plant in the mint family that came from Europe. Yellow archangel is a competitive and fast-growing plant that is capable of out-competing native understory plants. Yellow archangel can be identified by its hairy, toothed leaves with silvery markings. The plant produces yellow tubular flowers April-June. The leaves have […]

Sassafras albidum – Sassafras

Sassafras (Sassafras albidum) is a common native tree in CT. Sassafras can be identified by having three distinct leaf patterns (one, two, and three lobed leaves). Sassafras leaves have a citrusy smell when crushed. Young sassafras leaves are edible raw. They have a mucilaginous texture and slightly lemony taste. Sassafras leaves are dried and ground […]

Pycnanthemum tenuifolium – Narrowleaf Mountain Mint

Narrowleaf Mountain Mint (Pycnanthemum tenuifolium) is a native, edible plant in the mint family. It can be identified by its slender leaves and minty aroma when crushed. The leaves and flowers are edible raw or cooked. The leaves are often dried for use in teas. Crushed leaves can also be used for insect repellent.

Sambucus racemosa – Red Elderberry

Red Elderberry (Sambucus racemosa) is a native plant found in moist areas with partial to full sun. Red elderberries can be identified by their opposite leaves divided into 5-7 leaflets. The red fruit ripens July-August. Red elderberry stems, bark, leaves, and roots contain cyanide-producing toxins. Red elderberry seeds are also poisonous. Raw fruits may cause […]

Caulophyllum thalictroides – Blue Cohosh

Blue Cohosh (Caulophyllum thalictroides) is a native plant that was traditionally used to induce labor. Blue cohosh grows best in mixed hardwoods. It can be identified by its blueish green lobed leaves. Blue cohosh is a non-aggressive plant that is at risk for over-harvesting.   Thoroughly roasted seeds of the blue cohosh berry have been […]

Coprinellus micaceus – Mica caps

Mica caps (Coprinellus micaceus) are a common saprobic mushroom found growing in clusters on wood debris and stumps. Mica caps fruit spring to autumn throughout North America and Europe. They can be identified by their brown caps which are coated with mica-like granules. The caps become inky when they start to release spores. Mica caps […]