Katydids: More Than Meets The Eye
An Introduction to the Katydids: Katydids are a close relative of the Locust and belong to the order of insects called Orthoptera. They may closely
I use the term edible bugs instead of edible insects because this category includes arthropods, mollusks, insects, arachnids, and more. This is an amazingly interesting topic, the social taboos associated with eating very small animals is illogically present in many societies. For example snails are good to eat but slugs are not, Shrimp and lobster are good but other arthropods like wood lice are not, Maggots in your cheese, called casu marzu is a delicacy in Sardinia but repulsive to most of the rest of the world. Eating animals like arthropods, mollusks, insects, and arachnids has many health benefits primarily due to protein content but also cultivation of these animals compared to traditional sized ones would be much better for the environment for a number of reasons. Additionally, a little know fact is that most of these animals taste very good.
An Introduction to the Katydids: Katydids are a close relative of the Locust and belong to the order of insects called Orthoptera. They may closely
An Introduction to the 17 Year Cicada: Magicicada septendecim or as some would like to call it The 17 year cicada is one of the
An Introduction to the Locusts: The locust is an insect belonging from the family Acrididae from the order Orthoptera. It resembles a grasshopper but has
Do you have any childhood stories of a sibling, or perhaps even yourself, eating garden worms? How about slugs? It’s not only curious children who
Crickets( Family: Gryllidae) can be found in almost every area on the globe where humans live. Crickets are a substantial snack food for many people
Pillbugs, also known as woodlice, roly-polies, or land shrimp are a very common arthropod in the same taxonomic class as Shrimp and lobster. These small
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