Chicory Root Tea Recipe With Cinnamon

Chicory (Cichorium intybus) is a perennial herb plant. It can easily be recognized from its bright blue flowers and its dandelion-like leaves. Chicory is native to Europe, but it’s now commonly found across the US and Canada. All parts of the Chicory plant are edible. The leaves can be eaten raw or cooked and the […]
Hen of the Woods – Powerful Medicinal and Edible Mushroom

Editor’s note: This article was originally published in October 2018. Updated April 2022. The hen of the woods mushroom (Grifola frondosa) is one of the most, if not the most, commonly foraged mushrooms in the northeastern United States. Also often known as the maitake mushroom, hen of the woods is native to both the United […]
How to Have a Nice Lawn and Eat It Too!

Misconceptions About Well Manicured Lawns Well Manicured lawns are often vilified by the foraging community. Homeowners are often accused of pointlessly using harmful chemicals that are bad for humans and our local ecosystems. Although this is often the case, it does not have to be. It is important to be aware of potential pesticide use […]
Wild Edibles Quiz, Can You Survive?

Many of our readers find that subscribing to Eat The Planet is the best way to make sure they don’t miss any of our valuable information about wild edibles. our facebook page for additional articles and updates. Follow us on Twitter @EatThePlanetOrg
Plant and Mushroom Poisoning Statistics Summary
<< Go Back to article: Foraging Fatality Statistics 2016 Fatality Cases Seperated into Categories By Reason Year Total Deaths Intentional Unintentional Unknown Not Available/ Other Notes 2016 Plants 11 6 1 2 2 2016 Mushrooms 2 0 1 0 1 2015 Plants 5 2 0 1 2 2015 Mushrooms 1 0 0 0 1 […]
Foraging Fatality Statistics 2016 (Please Share)

The information in this article is vitally important for anyone who is interested in foraging, mushroom hunting or wild crafting. If you can share this information and help save 1 person it is worth it. It’s cold and snowy here in New England right now and far from prime foraging season but I thought this […]
Lion’s Mane – An Edible Mushroom That is Unmistakable

Lion’s mane mushroom strictly refers to Hericium erinaceus but other members of the genus Hericium are very similar and can be identified and used in the same ways. This is a genus of edible mushrooms that also have medicinal properties. These mushrooms are easy to identify and have a great unique flavor. Mushrooms in the […]
Cottonwood Buds are Medicinal, Leaves are Edible

Cottonwood Tree The eastern cottonwood tree (Populous deltoides) is a native North American tree that is common in eastern and central United States as well as southern Canada. Many people recognize this tree from the cottony substance that falls from the trees in early summer. This “cotton” acts as a sail to move the seeds as far […]
Pickled Pawpaws

Pickled Pawpaws Pawpaw fruits are fruits from the pawpaw tree (Asimina triloba). The Pawpaw tree is a very unique U.S. native fruit tree. It is very unique because all of its closest relatives are tropical fruit tree species. This tree has evolved to handle cold weather and has brought its tropical flavor with it. Pickled […]
Pawpaw Fruits, A Tropical Fruit in Temperate Climates

Pawpaw trees Pawpaw trees(Asimina triloba) are unique because most of their closest relatives are tropical species, but these trees are not. Pawpaw trees are native to temperate climates of eastern and central United States and southern Canada. This USDA map shows their range in the U.S. and Canada. Pawpaw trees are in the same plant family as tropical […]
Simple Chicken of the Woods Recipe

Chicken of the Woods Chicken of the woods is a great mushroom for beginners. It’s easy to identify and has no known toxic look a likes. It has a meaty but delicate flavor. To find out more information about chicken of the woods including where to find it and how to identify it visit to our chicken […]
Eating poison ivy – does it make you immune?

Many of us in the U.S. have had a traumatic run in with poison ivy or poison oak (on the west coast) at some point or another. I am only mildly allergic to poison Ivy but that doesn’t mean I was immune to it’s reign of terror when I unknowingly brought it home to my […]
Dogwood Tree – Beautiful Flowers, Unique Fruits

Editor’s note: This article was originally published in January 2017. Updated April 2022. Dogwood trees are a collection of tree species that belong to the dogwood genus ‘Cornus’. This Genus consists of approximately 30-60 mostly woody shrubs, some of which form small trees. The dogwood tree is an extremely common ornamental garden plant as it […]
FACW – Discover This Amazing Natural Resource

FACW plants are plants that can to grow in wetlands but may also be found outside of wetlands. These are versatile plants that can grow in many conditions. This includes trees such as red maple(Acer rubrum), Serviceberry (Amelanchier), river birch (Betula nigra), certain types of dogwoods (Cornus) and a vast assortment of other trees, shrubs and herbaceous plants. […]
3 of The Best Free Android Apps for Wild edibles and Foraging

There are a few free android apps in Google Play Store that focus on teaching you to find, identify, or prepare wild edibles. Below are 3 of the best apps for learning about wild edibles and foraging. I will explain the differences and What you should expect from each one. Wild Edibles Lite By WinterRoot LLC and Wildman Steve […]
Hawthorn, an Ornamental Tree With Edible Fruit

Washington hawthorn tree (Crataegus phaenopyrum) is a common ornamental landscape tree in the Eastern and Central United States. The genus Crataegus is a large genus including many species referred to as hawthorn tree, hawthorn apple thornapple, maytree, whitethorn and hawberry. Although this article focuses on the washington hawthorn tree the information here applies to many other species in the […]
Mugwort – an Abundant Medicinal and Culinary Herb

Mugwort (Artemisia vulgaris), also known as Common Wormwood is a very abundant plant in its growing range. It grows in the Eastern US and Northwestern US. Mugwort is adapted to grow in compact rocky soil where other plants might have a hard time. Mugwort has a long history of use as a medicinal and culinary herb […]
Spruce – Surprisingly Edible Abundant Evergreen Tree

Editor’s note: This article was originally published in June 2014. Updated April 2022. Spruce trees (Genus: Picea) are a very abundant tree across the globe, especially in northern areas. In the United States, a common non-native species is the Norway Spruce (Picea Abies), and two of our native American species are White Spruce (Picea glauca) […]
How Many People Die Foraging Plants and Mushrooms in The US Each Year?

UPDATE: Newer Information is Available Updated information can be found in our latest article reviewing statistics of foraging related deaths. Article Summary According to the AAPCC (American Association of Poison Control Centers) annual report(which only includes cases in their system): 1 person died from a poisonous mushroom and 2 people died from poisonous plants in […]