Beach plum (Prunus maritima) is a native plant with edible fruit. It is often found in dunes. It prefers full sun and has a high
Xerocomus illudens is an edible bolete that fruits July-October. It forms mycorrhizal relationships with oaks and possibly other hardwoods. The cap is cinnamon-brown or pinkish-cinnamon
Wild Asparagus (Asparagus officinalis) is the same species as cultivated asparagus. The plant has escaped cultivation and can now be found growing in riverbanks and
The Parasol mushroom (Macrolepiota procera) is an edible mushroom that fruits August-October. It can be found in open woodlands near conifers or hardwoods or on
Beach rose (Rosa rugosa) is an invasive plant from Asia that was brought to the U.S. as an ornamental. It is salt tolerant so is
Asiatic Dayflower (Commelina communis) is a non-native annual that can be found in disturbed areas in partial shade. It has the ability to spread quickly,
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2 Responses
Would an entry on wild grapes be created? I know, that wild grapes grow along the River Raisin in southeastern Michigan (where I grew up, even though I was unaware of that fact until I was about 18). I read, also, that wild grapes grow somewhere in Texas, if I recall accurately.
I ask this question because the contact us page seems spotty.
(P.S. What about edible plants in, say, Idaho State and its neighbors? I have a cookbook Cooking with Wild Berries & Fruits of the Rocky Mountain States by Teresa Marrone. Don’t forget making an entry for white mulberries!)
Thanks for letting me know about my contact page. I did an update and the contact form deactivated. I wasn’t aware of it until I read your message, so thanks again. I agree with you that I should do an entry on wild grapes and red and white mulberries. I have grapes on my to do list already, I’ll add wild mulberries. Thanks again for the input.