The Story of the American Cranberrybush
The American Cranberrybush (Viburnum trilobum) is a deciduous shrub that produces small edible, ruby red berries in the fall. Whilst the fruits greatly resemble cranberries, they are in fact of a completely different species. Both the American cranberry (Vaccinium macrocarpon) and American cranberrybush share a native range. However they are not as closely related as […]
American Beech, Majestic Canopies and a Woodland Snack
American Beech (Fagus grandifolia) is a grand species of beech, native only to North America and small pockets of South East Canada. Because of its range you may also know it by the name of North American Beech. It’s native covering within the US is mainly throughout the Eastern states, from Northern Florida up to […]
Saffron, a Highly Prized Spice of Luxury and Healing
Saffron is the extremely prized spice that is harvested from the saffron crocus (Crocus sativus). It has a long and varied history of trade and importance throughout the World, as well as also currently the Worlds most expensive spice by weight. One pound of saffron is currently equivalent to $500-$4000, depending on quality. So, what […]
Wild Appalachian Ginseng, Coveted and in Need of Protection
Panax quinquefolius or Panacis quinquefolis, known to many as American Ginseng, is rocketing into the limelight as a hugely popular herb. Wild American ginseng holds great value within China, particularly the most gnarled and intact specimens. Its popularity is actually creating tense situations throughout the Appalachian ranges as criminals and thieves steal from reputable growers […]
Wild Leek, Wildly Popular with Sustainable Foraging a Must
Allium tricoccum, known by many as wild leek, is a species of onion native to many parts of North East America as well as Eastern Canada. Other common names include ‘spring onion’, ‘ramps’, ‘wood leek’ and ‘wild garlic’. The other popular name for wild leeks, ‘ramps’, was thought to have been inspired by the old […]
Mugwort, an Age-Old Herb that Uncovers Our Herbal History
Mugwort (Artemisia vulgaris), has a long and prominent history throughout many cultures as a herb of healing, spiritual protection and culinary merit. A fairly inconspicuously named plant, mugwort has slowly faded from our medicinal radars, whilst other modern and effective medicines have raced ahead. It however holds great importance as a plant that was part […]
5 Yard Weeds You Can Forage From Home
Foraging for wild and edible plants does not have to take you far from home. Whilst some plants will be found on rocky mountainous outcrops, riverbanks or forest lowlands. You may be surprised to know that a number of edible plants and weeds can be foraged and collected from your own back yard. Once […]
5 Common Trees with Edible Leaves
Many of those who are new to foraging for wild plants and fruits are often surprised to learn that a number of trees actually produce edible shoots and leaves. We are so conditioned to assume only bushy leafed, commercially farmed vegetables such as salad leaves are safe to eat. However, some trees exist throughout the […]
Common Reed (Phragmites), an Age Old Sweet Treat
Common Reed (Phragmites australis subsp. americanus), is a subspecies of tall, perennial wetland grass that is native to the US. A subject of much scientific debate, it was once thought to be an introduced species from European colonisers. But studies have known shown this subspecies has been established in the US for thousands of years. […]
Wild Parsnip, Flagrant Foilage but a Tasty Taproot
Wild parsnip (Pastinaca sativa), is a fairly well known biennial garden vegetable and a member of the carrot and parsley family ‘Apiaceae’. Both the wild and garden varieties share the same taxon, meaning they are able to cross pollinate. It was once a native of Europe and Asia, but spread throughout many parts of the […]
Eastern Prickly Pear, Hardy Spines Hiding a Sweet Treat
Eastern prickly pear (Opuntia humifusa), is a species of cacti that is a common occurrence in sandy and dry soils in the midwest and eastern states. You may also see it being referred to as devil’s-tongue or Indian fig, the latter hinting at its value as a wild edible. As a cactus it can be […]
Evening Primrose, a Nutritious and Medicinal Garden Favorite
Evening Primrose (Oenothera biennis), is a common weed, or wildflower, found throughout the northeastern and midwestern states. Other curious names include sundrop, King’s cure all and evening star, hinting at its beauty and medicinal history. It is native to North America, but was likely introduced to Europe in the 1600’s, as European settlers exported goods […]
Waterlily, a Decorative and Nutritious Wild Edible
Waterlily (Nymphaea spp.), a beautiful, staple feature in many garden ponds. But did you know the ornate water lily is also a wild edible of the midwest? Found throughout the world, a number of waterlily species are endemic to North America and can be found often in the wild. You may come across a variety […]
Yellow Pond Lily, Cheerful Blooms and Popcorn like Snacks
Yellow pond lily (Nuphar spp.), is the name given to a number of species within the Nymphaeaceae family. With the true number of species currently unknown, you will usually find them within temperate regions, particularly in far northern area with a cooler climate. You can find a number of yellow pond lilies growing natively within […]
American Lotus, Fun to Forage and Highly Nutritious
American Lotus (Nelumbo lutea), are the bright eye catching lotus flowers that have likely caught your eye across lakes, ponds and slow moving rivers. They are a native species to the US, with high populations within a number of midwestern and southeastern states. You may also know them simply as yellow lotus or water-chinquapin, likening […]
Watercress, a Peppery Wild Edible with Informed Foraging
Watercress (Nasturtium officinale), is a peppery flavored, perennial member of the mustard family, Brassicaceae. A leafy plant that favors very moist, and essentially aquatic conditions, it grows wild upon the surface of rivers, lakes and streams. Once native to Europe and temperate Asia, it is now largely widespread throughout the world, grown as a crop […]
Mulberry, Wild Sweet Fruits and Favored in the Silk Industry
Mulberry (Morus spp.), is a commonly occurring tree found across the states. Mulberries feature in a number of nursery rhymes some of us may remember from childhood. Particularly the “Here We Go Round the Mulberry Bush” rhyme. Once a popular food source during colonial times, as time passed, other berries and exotic fruits captured our […]
Partridge Berry, a Nutritious Trailside Treat
Partridge Berry (Mitchella repens), is a low growing, evergreen vine that trails along forest and woodland floors. It is native to North America, particularly the northeastern states, and areas of Southern Canada. It is frequently grown as an ornamental in other countries, and can often escape cultivation and enter the wild. A food source for […]
Wild Mint, Fragrant Leaves and Digestive Aid
Wild mint (Mentha spp.), belongs to a genus of heavily fragrant and aromatic plants. The Mentha genus is the eponymous member of the mint family ‘Lamiaceae’. The mint genus contains the classic age old favorite, spearmint or (Mentha spicata). A common choice when browsing for mint seeds in garden centers. However it is no longer […]
Pineapple Weed, Edible Flowers with a Fruity Flavoring
Pineapple weed (Matricaria discoidea), is an invasive annual within the United States, originally endemic to Eastern Russia and Asia. It has now become largely naturalized in temperate climates throughout the world, from the UK to the US. You may also know pineapple weed by the names disc mayweed or wild chamomile. As an invasive species […]