Xerocomus illudens
Xerocomus illudens is an edible bolete that fruits July-October. It forms mycorrhizal relationships with oaks and possibly other hardwoods. The cap is cinnamon-brown or pinkish-cinnamon colored. The pores are lemon yellow and angular. The flesh is pale yellow and does not stain blue. The stem is mustard-yellow and has a course net. Spore print is […]
Asparagus officinalis – Wild Asparagus
Wild Asparagus (Asparagus officinalis) is the same species as cultivated asparagus. The plant has escaped cultivation and can now be found growing in riverbanks and seashores that receive full to partial sun. Being a perennial, the plant will re-grow in the same spot year after year. Shoots that look like store-bought asparagus appear in early […]
Craterellus fallax – Black Trumpet
Black trumpets (Craterellus fallax) are a delicious wild mushroom whose flavor is compared to truffles. Black trumpets can be found summer to fall. They often fruit in moss, near oak and beech trees. Black trumpets can be either mycorrhizal or saprobic. They are in the same family as chanterelles and are often found growing in […]
Silphium perfoliatum – Cup plant
Cup plant (Silphium perfoliatum) is a perennial in the dandelion family. Cup plants are native to prairies in the central United States. They can be found growing in partial to full sun in moist soil. The plant often forms large colonies by rhizome. The cup plant is named for the cup that the leaves form […]
Lunaria annua – Annual Honesty
Annual honesty (Lunaria annua) is a non-native biennial that can be found in cultivated gardens and as an escapee in woodlands and waste places. Annual honesty, also known as the “money plant”, has finely hairy, heart-shaped leaves with toothed edges. The flowers have four petals in a cross shape. They are usually purple but can […]
Heracleum maximum – Cow parsnip
Cow Parsnip (Heracleum maximum) is a native perennial in the carrot (Apiaceae) family. Cow parsnip can be found along rivers, swamps, and forest edges. It prefers partial to full sun. Cow parsnip has 3-part, alternate, compound leaves with irregularly toothed and lobed margins. The leaves can grow to be 2 feet across at maturity. […]
Aegopodium podagraria – Ground Elder
Ground Elder (Aegopodium podagraria) is an edible, invasive plant in the carrot family. Ground elder can be identified by its toothed, hairless leaves in groups of three. The plant grows less than a foot tall. The stalks are grooved and hairless, unlike Wild Carrot. In May-June, the plant sends up a flower stalk that grows […]
Sambucus racemosa – Red Elderberry
Red Elderberry (Sambucus racemosa) is a native plant found in moist areas with partial to full sun. Red elderberries can be identified by their opposite leaves divided into 5-7 leaflets. The red fruit ripens July-August. Red elderberry stems, bark, leaves, and roots contain cyanide-producing toxins. Red elderberry seeds are also poisonous. Raw fruits may cause […]
Caulophyllum thalictroides – Blue Cohosh
Blue Cohosh (Caulophyllum thalictroides) is a native plant that was traditionally used to induce labor. Blue cohosh grows best in mixed hardwoods. It can be identified by its blueish green lobed leaves. Blue cohosh is a non-aggressive plant that is at risk for over-harvesting. Thoroughly roasted seeds of the blue cohosh berry have been […]
Cicuta spp. – Water Hemlock
Water hemlock (Cicuta spp.) is the most toxic plant in North America. Water hemlock contains cicutoxin which acts on the central nervous system causing seizures and often death. All parts of the plant are toxic, although the roots contain the highest levels of cicutoxin. Treatment for water hemlock poisoning includes activated charcoal and anticonvulsant medications. […]
Gyroporus castaneus – Chestnut Bolete
The Chestnut Bolete (Gyroporus castaneus) is an edible mushroom that can be found fruiting summer to fall. The chestnut bolete can be found in Europe and eastern North America. It grows singly or in small groups near hardwood trees, often oak and sweet chestnut. It is unclear if the mushroom has a mycorrhizal or saprobic […]
Oenothera biennis – Common Evening Primrose
Common Evening Primrose (Oenothera biennis) is a native plant that is edible tip to root. It can be found growing in yard edges and old fields. It will even grow in sand and clay. Evening primrose is a biennial, producing a basal rosette its first year and sending up a tall flower stalk its second […]
Eutrochium spp. – Joe-Pye weed
Joe-Pye Weed (Eutrochium spp.) is a native plant that has been used medicinally for centuries. There are five different Joe-pye weed (Eutrochium) species present in North America. They often hybridize so can be difficult to differentiate. Joe-pye weeds have pink-purple flowers that are present summer-fall. The stem is tall, erect, and has leaves arranged around […]
Daucus carota – Wild Carrot
Wild Carrot (Daucus carota) is an edible plant that was introduced here from Europe. Wild carrot, also known as Queen Anne’s Lace, is the same exact species as our cultivated carrot. Wild carrot can be found in sunny fields, disturbed soils, and parks. Wild carrot has finely divided, feathery leaves similar to our cultivated carrot. […]
Entoloma abortivum – Shrimp of the Woods
Shrimp of the Woods (Entoloma abortivum) is a unique looking mushroom that develops when an Entoloma fungus parasitizes a honey mushroom (Armillaria sp.). Shrimp of the woods can be found from September-November in decaying forest material. Shrimp of the woods have a folded, twisted, brain-like shape with a pink interior. They have no gills. The […]
Armillaria gallica – Bulbous Honey Mushroom
The Bulbous Honey Mushroom (Armillaria gallica) is a parasitic and saprobic mushroom that can be found July-November. Honey mushrooms will always be growing on wood, although sometimes the wood is buried. The mushrooms grow in clusters. Cap color varies from yellow to brown. Armillaria gallica tends to have more of a brown cap color, while […]
Lycoperdon pratense – Meadow Puffball
The Meadow Puffball (Lycoperdon pratense) is an edible puffball mushroom that can be found in lawns, meadows, and parks. Edible puffball mushrooms lack gills and are pure white inside. The meadow puffball has a stump-like stem, which differentiates it from the also edible Giant puffball (Calvatia gigantea) which lacks a stem. Once the interior […]