Simple Chicken of the Woods Recipe

Chicken of the Woods recipe

Chicken of the Woods Chicken of the woods is a great mushroom for beginners. It’s easy to identify and has no known toxic look a likes. It has a meaty but delicate flavor.  To find out more information about chicken of the woods including where to find it and how to identify it visit to our chicken […]

10 Wild Edibles, You Should Know

Elaeagnus umbellata, Autumn Olive fruit

This is a list of wild edibles that are abundant, easy to identify, and significant in one way or another.  These are some of the basics that are good to know if you’re stuck in the woods in a survival scenario or simply camping and hiking.  There are some basic identification features mentioned here but […]

Turkey Tail, A Powerful Medicinal Mushroom

Trametes versicolor, Turkey Tail Mushroom

Turkey Tail Mushroom (Trametes versicolor) is a very common mushroom that can be found all over the world.  It is a decayer of wood and the mushrooms last a long time, often living into the winter. Turkey Tail Mushroom is an ancient indigenous medicine for different cultures around the world. It can be found growing […]

Puffball Mushroom, You’ll Be Ok If You Follow One ID Feature

Giant Puffball

Editor’s note: This article was originally published in May 2013. Updated April 2022. Puffball mushrooms (Genus: Calvatia, Bovista, and others) are a fantastic wild edible. With a little examination, they have easily identifiable characteristics and they’re a common find in many meadows and forests. However, they do have some extremely poisonous look-a-likes to be wary of, […]

Chicken Of The Woods, An Easy To ID Meat Substitute

Chicken of the Woods recipe

If you’re a beginner to fungus foraging, Chicken of the woods( Genus: Laetiporus) is a great fungus to seek out because it’s widespread in The United States and easy to distinguish from any look-a-likes as long as you know a few fundamental identification features. There are a number of species in the genus that all […]