Serviceberry Muffins

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Serviceberry is an interesting plant, it not only looks like blueberries but it also has a similar taste. These are from the rose family and often go by the name of Amelanchier. That is not the only name they are recognized by however, you can also find them labeled as June Berry, Shadblow Berry, Shadbush Berry, Saskatoon Berry , Sarvis Berry, Chuckle Pear and Shadwood.

Serviceberries are delicious. You could make a pie, breakfast muffins or just eat it raw. Today we would like to make a set of delicious muffin. These tasty muffins go well with a nice cup of coffee or it can be eaten as a dessert after dinner. This recipe makes 8 large muffins, if you wish to make more, you can double the recipe.

Not, familiar with ServiceBerries? Take a look at our article about serviceberry trees(Genus:Amelanchier) to learn more about this delicious plant.



1 ½ cups of all-purpose flour

¾ cup of granulated sugar, plus 1 tablespoon for muffin tops

½ tsp of kosher salt

2 tsp of baking powder

⅓ cup of vegetable oil

1 large egg

⅓ – ½ cup of milk; dairy and non-dairy both work

1 ½ tsp of vanilla extract

1 cup of fresh or frozen Serviceberries

½ tsp of ground nutmeg



Preheat oven to 400 degrees F (204 degrees Celsius).

Using a muffin sheet, line 8 cups with muffin cups.

In a large bowl mix all the dry ingredients (baking powder, nutmeg, flour and salt) together and put to the side.

In a smaller bowl mix all the wet ingredients ( egg, vanilla, milk, and oil) together.

Slowly pour the wet ingredients into the large bowl with the dry ingredients and stir slowly.

Once batter is mix together with a smooth appearance, add the ServiceBerries and gently mix them into the batter.

Once everything is incorporated into the large bowl use a ½ cup measuring cup to scoop the batter into the muffin tray.

If you have one or two muffin cups that does not have any batter, pour some water into it when you place it in the oven.

Lightly sprinkle sugar on the top of each muffin.

Bake muffins 15 to 20 minutes or until tops are no longer wet and a toothpick inserted into the middle of a muffin comes out with crumbs, not wet batter.

When muffins are complete, transfer them to a cooling rack and enjoy!

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