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The Shoehorn oyster (Hohenbuehelia petaloides) is an oyster mushroom look-alike that can be found in New England summer-fall.

Unlike true oyster mushrooms, the shoehorn oyster usually grows on wood chips or wood-rich soil. It can be found growing in clusters in urban settings or growing alone or in small groups in woodland settings.

The shoehorn oyster usually digests decaying wood but is also capable of capturing and digesting nematodes.

The shoehorn oyster has crowded whitish gills, a mealy odor, and a white spore print.
Shoehorn oysters are considered edible, but have a mealy texture so are much less desirable than true oyster mushrooms.
Written by Amy Demers, founder of the Connecticut Foraging Club. To learn more about foraging in Connecticut, check out our upcoming classes.