Foraging Tours and Classes in South Carolina

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Foraging Tours, Walks, Classes, and Groups (Updated for 2024)

The list below has been curated to include only those groups and foragers that schedule regular events and are currently active. Please email us about any broken links or incorrect links so we can keep the list updated. If you offer classes or scheduled foraging events feel free to contact us about being added to the list.-

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A message from "We are happy you found us! We strive to be informative and accurate. Enjoy what you find here! Take a look at our new downloadable pdf eBook A Complete Guide To Foraging. We put a lot of work into this eBook and are very excited to share it with you." - Joe Forager(Owner)

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Georgia, North Carolina

1. Full Belly Foraging

We offer introductory foraging walks and other related classes throughout South Carolina. For a deeper foraging experience we also lead a year round foraging immersion course called The Wild Turning, offered in quarters. We are also available to visit a property to investigate and identify wild foods and medicines growing there. 

2. Earthwise Learning Center

Robin McGee is the owner of Earthwise Learning Center, located in Anderson, South Carolina. She is a community herbalist, organic gardener, herbal medicine-maker, and more while offering herbalism classes.

3. Mushroom Mountain

Mushroom Mountain is located in Easley, South Carolina. It focuses on creating products and offering services that support harmony with nature through fungi. They offer 200 species of pure cultures, grain, sawdust and plug spawn, bulk mycoremediation spawn and consultation services, farm and lab tours, organic mushroom extracts, a state approved wild mushroom foraging and ID certification, cultivation and other mushroom related courses/workshops. On location you will find a mushroom store with various mushroom products and a designated mushroom ID trail accompanied by an amazing and welcoming staff at your service

4. South Carolina Upstate Mycological Society

Dr. Julia Kerrigan and Tradd Cotter are the founders of the South Carolina Upstate Mycological Society, located in Clemson, South Carolina. Its mission is to connect people with the same interest to learn, appreciate, and understand mushrooms and other fungi. Conduct mushroom forays.

5. The Southern Herbalist

Darryl Paton is the owner of The Southern Herbalist. He has spent most of his time hunting, gathering, and working with medicinal plants. Most of his workshops are held in Alabama and South Carolina. Offers classes on medicinal and wild edibles and herbalism.

44 Responses

  1. Can you tell me where I can find reputable foraging classes in NC Raleigh area or Wake county?

    1. I’m looking for reputable foraging classes near Lexington, SC. Willing to travel a reasonable distance if needed. Thank you.

      1. I am also in Lexington SC, and am interested to find a foraging/teaching group near here… Did you ever find a group near here?

      2. I’m an herbalist and wildcrafter. I give edible/ medicinal walks weekends . I offer a seasonal workshop as well. It is a 6 week sign up . We meet twice a week. We create blends of flower teas , medicine chest remedies for the family,wild salads, lip balms,smudge sticks and even botanical wild jewelry. It’s more intensive and your knowledge and desire for continuing your plant journey will expand as well as relationships with certain plants and plant allies are recognized. It’s unforgetable!

  2. I am retired and wish to learn about foraging for edibles and wildcrafting etc. I live North of Travelers Rest SC at the foot of the mountains. I need to find a group that I can interact with and learn the craft from as well as attend classes that are region specific

    1. Look into monthly foraging Plant Medicine classes at Hagood Mill Historic Site in Pickens SC

  3. Iā€™m looking for foraging classes/ teachers in Beaufort county/ Hilton Head area. Our ecosystem isnā€™t even close to upstate, so would like help in an appropriate zone/ area.

    1. My name is Ashley McAllister. I’m an herbalist in Charleston. I was born and raised here yet lived in a few other places such as Savanah and spe t some summers in Hilton head. I’ve been an herbalist for 22 years. I’ve had a small buisness in Asheville which I led community groups in medicine making . We sold lip balms, Wild teas, tinctures and herbal infused oils. It was based on homeschooling at the time. I’m back in Charleston now and am starting to continue my ” walk on the wild side” walks through the gree way or any preferred land in which I help others to properly identify, sustainable wildcraft native medicinal Plants here in out area. I have offered custom walks in private locations as well as backyard medicine making. This is where I can come to you and show the art of making Salves, tinctures,herbal honey, teas, smudge sticks and any special request you may desire. I’ll do my best to assist if I can. Ive recently started a beach walk on morris Island on folly Beach. The beach walk is nice and it shows some of the plants that can only be found among shorelines and sand. We have made wild pickes from the amazing Glasswort which only is found in tidal creeks and beach shores in our area. I don’t mind driving to Beaufort and I actually go once a month to harvest sweetgrass for the basket weavers in Charleston. Feel free to call or email me . My email is my phone number is 843 737-2734. I’d love to hear from you

        1. Hey Scott. ITS Ashley from eat the weeds. Somehow I missed communication with you. I want to apologize and offer you a free plant walk . You showed interest. I hope its not too late. I will also be starting a more Intensive course with a 4 week 2 days or evening s a week meeting. I’m in Charleston but can come to you as well

      1. Hi Ashley- I am on Folly, and interested in any classes, workshops, walks or whatever you have. Please let me know if you have anything coming up. I can be reached at 843-270-7799 or the email below. Text is fine. Thanks.

  4. Hello . I would like to ask if I could be added to the SC foragers / wildcrafting list. I’ve been doing groups off and on for 15 years. I used to work with alot of 4H a.d homeschooling groups. My kids are grown and my 11 year old isn’t homeschooling. I have branched out from that and can see the mothers and others are interested yet can not find anyone except Yolanda in charleston area.

        1. Hey . It’s Ashley I am replying to be put on the list of wildcrafting guides / foraging walks in the lowcou try area. Charleston SC specificly.

      1. Hello , my name is Ashley Mcallister. I inquired about being on the foraging / wildcrafting guide page. I was responding to some local people and realized I don’t advertise or offer up enough. I have been doing plant walks off and on for 17 years . I don’t have a website that’s able to pull up at the moment. I offer wildcrafting walks at system parks sometimes,the west Ashley greenway, customized areas and private properties I can accommodate as I find that a frequent question. I also offer a small workshop following ethical wildcrafting walks where we can make a tincture, tea, smudge stick from plants gathered. These walks are every month from March 27th till Sept. I’d like to be placed on the list for charleston sc area and coastal region.

        1. Very interested in holding a class on my property near the town of St. Matthews. Are you interested in teaching (walking tour & kitchen class). If so, I know I can get a group of students, mostly adults, for the event. Please let me know if interested.

          1. I apologize . I did not see this . I would definitely be interested I giving a workshop, walk etc. I also can customize the event in according to your interest, knowledge of herbs ,theme . My number is 843 737 2734

        2. Hello
          Do you ever do foraging classes or walks near Myrtle Beach? Maybe I can help you get a class together. If you call leave a message and Iā€™ll call back asap! 843-575-7814

          Feel free to forward this msg if you know someone whoā€™s interested.
          Diane Collins

          1. Iā€™m looking as well! If you can manage to get some foraging classes together Iā€™m sure I could muster a few more people.

          2. I would be interested in participating if you are able to get a class together. I live in Conway.

  5. I live in Saluda, SC and am surrounded by a lot of beautiful mushroom types. I would love to learn more about the types I am finding, how and what to forge and medicinal properties of the mushrooms on my land. I am a hands on learner so would love to attend a workshop or 1:1 with someone who knows mushrooms.

  6. Hi! I am looking for forager to come to my 30 acres in Laurens County and teach us what we might have to forage on our property.

    1. My name is Jessica and I am in Laurens County as well and would love to find a foraging class. Have you had any luck finding a class?

    2. Donna Horn Putney 8646229332 Honea Path SC.
      Upstate Weedeaters
      Hagood Mill Historic Site Pickens SC. Monthly Plant Medicine classes and foraging walks.
      Also, there is a Laurens Foragers group on FB.

  7. I apologize . I did not see this . I would definitely be interested I giving a workshop, walk etc. I also can customize the event in according to your interest, knowledge of herbs ,theme . My number is 843 737 2734

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