Hazelnuts, A Wild Favorite for Many Foragers

Hazelnuts (Corylus spp.) are the familiar produce of the hazel shrub. A deciduous plant that is native to southeast Canada and the Eastern US states. Two species can be found here, those being the beaked hazelnut (Corylus cornuta) and the American hazelnut (Corylus americana). The latter has the widest range, reaching across the midwestern states […]
Ox-eye daisy, Simple Beauty with Edible Leaves and Flowers

Ox-eye daisies (Leucanthemum vulgare) are a species of flowering perennials that grow throughout the world. They are originally native to Europe and some areas of Asia with a cooler climate, however you’ll now find them growing prolifically in North America. They are also commonly known by the names dog daisy, field daisy and also moon […]
Redbud, a Bold and Beautiful Tree with Edible Flowers

Redbud (Cercis canadensis), is a small species of tree that grows right across the States. It is endemic to the northeast, and the largest populations are found here and in the midwest. However it has slowly spread throughout the states and can now be found as far west as Nevada and California. Due to its […]
Hackberry, Small but very Flavorful Edible Berries

Hackberry (Celtis spp.) is a hardwood deciduous tree that bears tiny red/purple, edible fruits. Two very similar species exist. The northern hackberry (Celtis occidentalis), also kown by a number of other names including, beaverwood, nettletree, American hackberry and simply, common hackberry. And also the southern hackberry (Celtis laevigata), also known as sugarberry. Northern hackberry is […]
Chinquapin, an Uncommon but Flavorful Treat

Chinquapin (Castanea pumila) is a species of tree native to midwest and southeastern states, particularly North and South Carolina and also Georgia. You may also know it by the names, dwarf chestnut, allegheny chinquapin or simply American chinquapin. As its other name suggests, chinquapin is a species of chestnut, bearing small nuts that are rounder […]
Pecan (Hickory), a Highly Nutritious Nut Native to the Midwest

The pecan tree (Carya illinoinensis) is a species of hickory, a genus of trees that contains up to 12 species native to the US. As the scientific name suggests, pecans are native to large parts of Illinois and surrounding midwest states. They grow wild throughout the forests and fields of Texas, Missouri and Arkansas, opting […]
Redroot Pigweed, a Humble and Underrated Wild Edible

Redroot pigweed (Amaranthus retroflexus), also known as pigweed amaranth, is a common summer annual herb. This plant is native to the tropical Americas, but it has been introduced to also every continent in the world. In the US, this plant is mainly used as livestock fodder, especially for hogs and pigs, hence its name. Other […]
Sourwood Tree, Gorgeous Foliage and Tasty Flowers

Sourwood tree (Oxydendrum arboreum) is a small deciduous tree that’s native to eastern North America. This tree is especially common in Southeastern US. You can find them growing in oak-heath forests, near riverbanks, and along roadsides. This tree can easily be identified by their lush dark green foliage which turns a striking fiery red in […]
Wild Cucumber, Inedible Fruits but Great for Making Tea

Wild cucumber (Echinocystis lobata) is an annual vine plant that belongs to the cucumber family (Cucurbitaceae). Wild cucumber is native to North America. It’s well known for its prickly fruits, hence its other name, prickly cucumber. Also, did you know? There’s another plant that’s also called wild cucumber. The plant’s scientific name is Cucumis anguria. […]
Wild Cucumber, a Hairy and Prickly Gherkin Cucumber

Wild cucumber (Cucumis anguria), or more commonly known as West Indian gherkin, is a vine that belongs to the cucumber family (Cucurbitaceae). This plant is native to Africa but it has naturalized all throughout the globe, including in America. Even though it’s not a garden cucumber (Cucumis sativus), this plant’s small and roundish fruits look […]
Juneberry, Tasty and Nutritious Native Fruits

Juneberry (Amelanchier), also known as saskatoon, serviceberry, or wild-plum, is a genus comprised of more than 20 species of deciduous shrubs. It belongs in the Rosacea family, meaning that it’s related to roses. Most juneberry tree species are native to North America. In fact, almost every US state has a native juneberry tree species. These […]
Chickweed, a Delicious and Nutritious Weed

Chickweed is a common winter annual plant that grows all over Asia, Europe, and North America. The name chickweed itself actually doesn’t only apply to one particular plant. There are two species under the name this name, Stellaria media and Cerastium fontanum. The former is considered as the true chickweed while the latter is more […]
Ground Ivy, an Aromatic, Evergreen Wild Edible

Despite its name, ground ivy (Glechoma Hederacea) is actually not related to the true ivy. Instead, it’s actually a member of the mint family. This aromatic, evergreen plant grows perennially is many parts of the world. Native to Europe and Western Asia, it was carried over to North America by the settlers. In North America, […]
Wild Blackberries and Raspberries, a Diverse Group of Delicious Edibles

Do you know what Rubus is? It is a diverse genus of flowering plants in the Rosaceae family. Most Rubus plants are easily recognizable from their rough and prickly wood stems, much like the common thorny stems of rose plants. These stems are usually tangled, forming a bush called brambles. The fruits from a Rubus […]
Dandelion, a Surprisingly Beneficial Wild Edible

Who doesn’t know dandelions (Taraxacum officinale)? This lovely flower grows almost all around the world. You’ve likely blown fluffy dandelion balls at least once to make a wish during your childhood. Children love to blow on dandelion’s feathery light seeds into the wind, hoping that they would soar to the sky and make their wishes […]
Dead Nettle, an Overlooked yet Valuable Wild Edible

Editor’s note: This article was originally published in June 2019. Updated April 2022. A common sight in late winter and early spring, dead nettle (Lamium purpureum) is a greatly underrated plant. Other names include red dead nettle, purple archangel, and purple dead nettle. The “dead” part of its name isn’t as ominous as it may […]
Black Chokeberry, a Native Super Food

Despite its funny name, black chokeberry (Aronia melanocarpa) is a super healthy food that has been cultivated and consumed for thousands of years. It’s native to eastern North America, but due to its various uses, chokeberry bushes were later introduced to Europe as well. They’re easily recognized in the wild from their glossy dark green […]
Ramps, a Popular and Versatile Herb

Ramps (Allium tricoccum) are a wild onion species native to North America. While this woodland edible’s bulbs resemble that of a scallion, it has beautiful broad green leaves. It’s one of the earliest wild edibles to emerge in the spring and it’s a wonderful food source all year round. This herb is well-known among foragers […]
Black Medic, an Underrated and Useful Wild Edible

Black medic (Medicago lupulina) is often considered a weed and a mild nuisance in the garden. However, if you see this plant invading your garden, don’t immediately spray it with chemicals! Instead, you should actually be happy. This seemingly annoying weed is actually edible and rich in nutrients. It even has some wonderful medicinal qualities, […]
Wild Sarsaparilla, a Native Source of Energy and Health

Despite their similar name, wild sarsaparilla (Aralia nudicaulis) is not related to the true sarsaparilla at all. Unlike true sarsaparilla which belongs to the Greenbrier family, wild sarsaparilla belongs to the Ginseng family. Wild sarsaparilla is a perennial flowering plant that comes from northern and eastern North America. This plant can easily be […]