Edible Mushrooms of Southern California

Southern California is full of different varieties of mushrooms to forage for. Both beginner mushroom foragers and those with experience can use this list as a starting point for foraging in the southern regions of California. Black Trumpet (Craterellus cornucopoides) Black trumpet mushrooms are a common black fungus that grows in forests, sprouting from the […]
Edible Mushrooms of Northern California

Northern California is home to a wide variety of fungi, including many species of edible mushrooms that foragers can explore the area to find. The following list includes a few fungi that both beginner and experienced foragers can find! Blushing Morel (Morchella rufobrunnea) The Blushing Morel mushroom, also known as the Woodchip Morel, is found […]
Edible Mushrooms of Oregon

Oregon is home to many mushrooms, many of which are perfect for both beginner and experienced mushroom foragers. The following list includes mushrooms that are commonly found on the West Coast and throughout Oregon! Western Giant Puffball (Calvatia booniana) The Western Giant Puffball mushroom is most commonly found in meadows, forests, and fields, but you […]
Edible Mushrooms of Washington

The West Coast is home to various edible and interesting mushrooms. Washington’s warm humid winters and mild summers host a lot of interesting mushrooms! The following list includes our top 10 mushrooms found in the state of Washington. King Bolete (Boletus sp.) King Bolete mushrooms are also known as Penny Bun or Porcini mushrooms. This […]
Edible Mushrooms of Massachusetts

Massachusetts is home to many varieties of mushrooms, including multiple wild edible mushrooms. Foraging mushrooms in Massachusetts can be fulfilling when you know what to look for. The following list is a short list of common edible mushrooms found throughout the state! Disclaimer This article does not describe the details needed to thoroughly identify these […]
Edible Mushrooms of New York

New York is home to an array of diverse varieties of fungi, many of which are edible and safe to forage. Here are a few of the many types that can be found around the state! Disclaimer This article does not describe the details needed to thoroughly identify these mushrooms. Deadly and otherwise toxic look-a-likes […]
Edible Mushrooms of Connecticut

Connecticut is home to a plethora of wild edible mushrooms throughout the state. Knowing which mushrooms to look for means that you can reap the benefits of harvesting wild food near your home and enjoy what nature has to offer. To kickstart your journey into familiarizing yourself with mushrooms in your local area, here are […]
Prunella Vulgaris, the All-Healing Plant

What is Prunella Vulgaris? Prunella vulgaris is a perennial wildflower that is also most commonly known as Heal All or Self Heal. This plant grows in multiple regions across the globe. Self Heal is considered to be a native plant to North America, in which its native habitats include moist fields, pastures, roadsides, and the […]
Galinsoga, the Intrusive, Astringent Edible Weed

Introduction to Galinsoga parviflora Galinsoga is an annual plant that is known for rather an infamous reason: how invasive it is. It is rare to have a plant commonly referred to by its scientific name, but galinsoga has multiple other names, including guasca, mielcilla, gallant soldier, quick weed, and potato weed. Galinsoga grows in disturbed […]
Salicornia rubra: Nature’s Red Beans

What is Red Saltwort? Salicornia rubra is a variety of saltwort plants, which are part of the Amaranth family. While not all plants that are categorized under the Amaranth family are saltwort plants, the three primary Salicornia varieties found in the United States are edible. This variety is known as red saltwort, western glasswort, or […]
Salicornia virginica, the Wild Pickle

What is Pickleweed? Salicornia virginica is the scientific name for the plant known as pickleweed. Pickleweed is also known as virginia glasswort and is a variety of saltwort. This variety of saltwort is a perennial and is most commonly found in areas of high salt content in the soil, which include salt marshes. Pickleweed is […]
Narrowleaf Dock, A Eurasian Native Weed

Introduction to Narrowleaf Dock Narrowleaf dock is a species of flowering plant that is part of the knotweed family, known as Polygonaceae. This family is comprised of 1,200 species, 48 of which are known varieties of dock plants. In identification, narrowleaf dock is known by its’ scientific name Rumex stenophyllus. In your research and foraging […]
Common Orach: Nature’s Wild Spinach

Introduction to Common Orach Atriplex patula, known as common orach, is a succulent-like plant that is native to Europe and was introduced to North America in the mid to late 1800s. However, this fact is often debated among botanists and other plant historians alike about the origins of common orach, but most evidence points to […]
Hard & Soft Stemmed Bulrush, the Muddied, Hearty Roots

History of the Bulrush plants Bulrush is a type of sedge plant that is a part of the Cyperaceae family. Two species of bulrush discussed in this post today include the hard-stemmed bulrush (Schoenoplectus acutus) and the soft-stemmed bulrush(Schoenoplectus tabernaemontani). This variety of plants grow in wetlands, and specifically for bulrush varieties, the wetlands in […]
Bitterroot: The Bitter Expedition Plant

Introducing Bitterroot Lewisia rediviva is known commonly as Bitterroot, a plant that is a part of the Montiaceae family and that is native to western North America. Originally, this plant was a member of the Purslane family due to its growth requirements and succulent-like appearance but was later categorized. Bitterroot is also known by several […]
Arrowleaf Balsamroot: The Hearty, Heavy Edible Plant

Intro to Arrowleaf Balsamroot Balsamorhiza sagittata, also known as arrowleaf balsamroot, is a flowering plant that is a member of the Aster (Asteraceae) family. This yellow flower is also known as Breadroot, Spring Sunflower, and Oregon Sunflower. Arrowleaf balsamroot is a perennial plant that is native to various areas on the west coast of North […]
Prickly Pear Cactus: What it is and How to Use it

The Opuntia Columbiana, also known as the Prickly Pear cactus, is a perennial plant that grows in northeast Oregon and eastern Washington. Other names the Prickly Pear cactus is also known by are Oldman Prickly pear and Columbia River Pricklypear. The Prickly Pear cactus isn’t far from home, as this plant is native to the […]