Foraging Tours and Classes in Washington

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Foraging Tours, Walks, Classes, and Groups (Updated for 2025)

The list below has been curated to include only those groups and foragers that schedule regular events and are currently active. Please email us about any broken links or incorrect links so we can keep the list updated. If you offer classes or scheduled foraging events feel free to contact us about being added to the list.-

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A message from "We are happy you found us! We strive to be informative and accurate. Enjoy what you find here! Take a look at our new downloadable pdf eBook A Complete Guide To Foraging. We put a lot of work into this eBook and are very excited to share it with you." - Joe Forager(Owner)

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1. Rebecca Lexa, Naturalist

Rebecca Lexa specializes in teaching nature identification, foraging, and other natural history classes. Her focus is on giving people the tools and skills they need to identify animals, plants, and fungi that they encounter in nature. 

1. Rainwalk Rewild

Rainwalk Rewild is a wilderness school located in Skagit County, Washington dedicated to reconnecting humans to their belonging in and to nature. Their field courses teach ethnobotany, foraging, herbal medicine, mushroom cultivation, ancestral handcrafts, and wilderness living skills for folks living in or visiting the Pacific Northwest.

2. Whidbey Wild Mushroom Tours

Whidbey Wild Mushroom Tours offers a comprehensive educational experience on identification and foraging of mushrooms but also touches on many other fun facts about the forest along the way. Public and private tours are available. Travis delivers a well prepared 30-40 minute lesson on identification and foraging followed by 2 hours in the woods mushroom hunting and you will receive a packet full of information to support and continue your learning.

3. Northwest Natura

Based out of Whatcom County, Washington. Northwest Natura offers affordable place-based education designed for adults looking to explore the outdoors with naturalists, and learn about botany, ecology, fungi, and outdoor skills.

4. Earthwalk Northwest

Frank and Karen Sherwood are the owners and founders of Earthwalk Northwest. Located in Issaquah, a city in King County, Washington. They create unique courses to provide in-depth and hands-on experience. Offers programs on earth awareness, wild edibles, and more.

5. Kitsap Peninsula Mycological Society

KPMS is created to gather those who are interested in mycology. Located in Bremerton, a city in Kitsap County, Washington. This organization studies, collects, appreciates, and shares knowledge. They also hold mushroom forays and meetings.

6. Langdon Cook

He is a writer, instructor, and lecturer in the field of wild foods and outdoor activities. Most of his activities are done in Washington. Offers classes on wild foods. foraging, outdoors, about his books, and creative writing.

7. Northwest Mushroomers Association

Northwest Mushroomers Association is focused on appreciating and understanding mushrooms. Located in Bellingham, a city(coastal) in Whatcom County, Washington. The group studies, identifies, and gathers information about fungi, as well as holding meetings and forays. 

8. Puget Sound Mycological Society

PSMS’s purpose is to promote understanding and appreciation of the field of mycology as a form of hobby and science. Located in Seattle, Washington. They conduct meetings, classes, and wild mushroom shows.

9. Wildcraft

Wildcraft wants to awaken its participants’ creativity and improve their understanding through hands-on activities. Activities are done mostly in Pacific Northwest. Conducts wild food foraging and medicine, and other activities.

28 Responses

  1. I live in Spokane and am interested in finding a person or class that teaches foraging skills in this area.

    1. Me too. Let me know if you find anyone. There doesn’t seem to be, in the way of foraging, many learning opportunities in Eastern Washington. Thats to bad, it’s a great place to forage.

    2. I live near Spokane also I know this was awhile ago but did you guys find anyone that teaches foraging I would love to take some classes

      1. I have some experiencing with foraging mainly on the oregon coast but I would love to learn more especially now that I’m located in eastern washington. But would also love to learn how to make baskets and other projects out of natural findings!

    3. I live on Mt Spokane and have come across a Botanist/Educator/Forager that we are hoping to bring to our 10 acres to provide a tour. In order for him to come, we will need to generate enough committed interest. He generally tours the western states and has been attempting to provide a “Stop” in the Spokane area, but states he hasn’t found enough interest here.
      Let me know if there is still interest and I will start a thread with his information and see if we can’t lure him to our beautiful part of the world!

      1. I volunteer with Dishman Hills Nature Conservancy. We are seeking a mycology person to give a class for our winter speakers series. We could probably generate a fair number of interested individuals from our email list.

    4. Hi, this is Susan I haven’t found an experienced forager yet. But, I also haven’t been looking. Last year wasn’t a good year due to medical issues. Hoping 2024 gets me back on track.

    1. I also live in Olympia, looking for the same thing! Check Eventbrite, there is a foraging class at the end of august

  2. Hello! I’m a horticulture student from CO. A couple of my classmates and I are planning a trip to WA to forage and learn about culinary and medicinal mushrooms next year. We haven’t settled on what time is best to come, still in the R&D stage. Looking for education and hands-on. Thank you for any advice or direction!

  3. Hello, I’m moving with my family to Ellensburg in a few months and would like to connect with the naturalist community there. I would appreciate any suggestions of where to start. Thank you!

  4. Good day to all the above Spokane area folks who are interested in the wonderful skills of foraging and wildcrafting. My wife and I were just discussing yesterday if there would be any local interest in taking a course on foraging or just going on a jaunt through the forest with a local expert that is always excited about teaching, finding wild edibles, and learning from others.
    I am a 20-year survival expert and am just completing a 4-year follow on degree in holistic medicine, with a focus on herbalism. I love to wildcraft, make tinctures, teas, decoctions, and salves, all in the name of educating others and providing holistic support for their life challenges.
    Shoot me an email if you would like to see what’s growing out there and how it can benefit your life!

  5. Hi this is Susan. Sorry for the long delay, but life and health issues for both myself and my husband got in the way. We are doing well and would like to speak with Charlie Bouck about his foraging venture.

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