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The Silky Sheath mushroom (Volvariella bombycina) is a rare, edible mushroom that fruits July-November.

The Silky sheath can be found growing on hardwood logs or in wounds of standing hardwood trees. The mushroom grows out of a whitish to brownish cup at the base of the stem. The cap is silky white, yellowing with age. Gills are whitish at first, becoming pinkish. Spore print is brownish pink.

The Silky sheath has a slightly nutty taste after cooking. It has been found to be high in antioxidants and have anti-tumor properties.
The Silky sheath must be differentiated from the deadly Destroying Angel mushroom (Amanita virosa). Destroying angels are also white and grow from a cup, but they grow from the ground while the Silky sheath grows from wood. The Destroying angel also has a veil, a smooth cap, and a white spore print.
Written by Amy Demers, founder of the Connecticut Foraging Club. To learn more about foraging in Connecticut, check out our upcoming classes.