Laetiporus sulphureus – Chicken of the Woods

Chicken of the woods (Laetiporus sulphureus) is an edible mushroom that has a flavor and texture that is similar to chicken. Laetiporus sulphureus can be found growing on living or dead hardwood trees from May-November. It has bright orange caps with yellow edges. Pores and flesh are both yellow. Spore print is white. Chicken of […]
Laetiporus cincinnatus – White-pored Chicken of the Woods

White-pored Chicken of the Woods (Laetiporus cincinnatus) is an edible polypore found growing at the base of oak trees from July-October. There are multiple Laetiporus (Chicken of the Woods) species. The white-pored chicken of the woods is known to be the best tasting species. Laetiporus cincinnatus is lighter colored than other Laetiporus species. It grows […]