Craterellus ignicolor – Flame Chanterelle

Flame Chanterelle (Craterellus ignicolor) is a choice edible mushroom that is native to eastern North America. It can be found July-November in swampy forests. The flame chanterelle, also known as “yellowfoot chanterelle” can tolerate very wet environments. It is often found growing in clusters in moss of hardwood forests. It is mycorrhizal with oaks, beech, […]
Cantharelles appalachiensis – Appalachian Chanterelle

The Appalachian chanterelle (Cantharelles appalachiensis) is a species of chanterelle that is native to eastern North America. It can be differentiated from other chanterelle species by its pale to yellowish-brown coloration. The Appalachian chanterelle is a summer mushroom that can be found in hardwood forests. Chanterelle mushrooms can be identified by their decurrent gill-like ridges […]
Cantharellus minor – Small Chanterelle

The Small chanterelle (Cantharellus minor) is an edible, although unsubstantial mushroom. Small chanterelles are mycorrhizal with hardwood trees. They are often found in moss, under oak trees. Chanterelles can be identified by their decurrent false gills. Small chanterelles look very similar to golden chanterelles but have a slenderer and hollow stem. Although the small chanterelle […]
Cantharellus lateritius – Smooth Chanterelles

Smooth Chanterelles (Cantharellus lateritius) are a type of chanterelle that sometimes lacks the wrinkles, or false gills, under its cap. Chanterelles are a summer mushroom that can be found after consistent rains and humid weather. Chanterelles grow in soil, often near water and along walking paths. The mushroom uniquely has the same color across the […]
Cantherellus cinnabarinus – Cinnabar Chanterelles

Cinnabar chanterelles (Cantherellus cinnabarinus) are a common choice edible mushroom that can be found in the summer months in New England. Cinnabar chanterelles can be identified by their uniform reddish-orange color, vase shape, and forked ridges under the cap that run down the stem. Cinnabar chanterelles have a firm texture, somewhat like string cheese. They […]