Lactifluus hygrophoroides – Hygrophorus Milk Cap

Hygrophorus milk cap (Lactifluus hygrophoroides) is an edible mushroom that can be found in the eastern United States. It fruits late summer to early fall. The Hygrophorus milk cap forms mycorrhizal relationships with oaks and potentially other hardwoods. It grows singularly on the ground near its host tree. The cap is pale orange to reddish-brown […]

Stropharia rugosoannulata – Wine Caps

Wine Caps (Stropharia rugosoannulata) are a commonly cultivated mushroom that can be found throughout North America. Wine caps can be identified by their red cap which fades to brown as they age. Gills will be pale gray when the mushrooms are young, becoming purple-black as they age. They have a white veil which will be […]