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Devil’s tongue weed (Grateloupia turuturu) is an edible seaweed that is native to East Asia. This red alga has become invasive in the northeast United States, out competing native seaweed species.

Devil’s tongue is a perennial, living 6-10 years. It can be found along rocky coastal areas and shallow shores. The seaweed can be picked year-round.

Devil’s tongue weed has flat, thick blades with smooth or frilled edges. It is very slimy and has a deep burgundy or maroon color.

Red seaweeds can be added to soups or salads, used for seaweed tea, or turned into flakes.
Devil’s tongue weed is high in protein, fiber, iodine, and iron. Regularly eating seaweed can increase resilience to radiation, improve bone density, and help with thyroid regulation.
Written by Amy Demers, founder of the Connecticut Foraging Club. To learn more about foraging in Connecticut, check out our upcoming classes.