Geranium maculatum – Wild Geranium

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Wild geranium (Geranium maculatum) is a native perennial that blooms late spring to early summer.
Wild geranium, also known as “Crane’s bill geranium” can be found growing in dense patches in deciduous woodlands and meadows. It can also be easily cultivated in partial shade to full sun.
The plant has deeply lobed leaves with course hairs on the underside which give the underside a fuzzy appearance. The lavender-colored flowers have five petals. There are 2-10 flowers per plant.
The entire wild geranium plant can be turned into a tea which has been used to treat tooth infections, IBS, and influenza. The plant should only be used internally for short periods of time due to its high tannin content.
Wild germanium has also been used in cosmetics to promote cell renewal.

Written by Amy Demers, founder of the Connecticut Foraging Club. To learn more about foraging in Connecticut, check out our upcoming classes.

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