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Cut-leaf Toothwort (Cardamine concatenata) is a native, edible ephemeral in the mustard family.

Cut-leaf toothwort can be found in hardwood forests with rich soil. They are often found growing near other spring ephemerals such as Virginia Spring beauty and trout lily. They can form dense colonies from their tubers.
Cut-leaf toothwort has three deeply divided leaves and white to pink flowers with four petals.

The entire plant is edible. Leaves are most often collected to add to sandwiches or salads. They have a spicy, mustardy flavor similar to horseradish. Tubers have a stronger horseradish flavor. However, it is best to leave the tubers in the ground as collecting them will kill the plant.
Less than 10% of leaves should be collected from this native plant to ensure its prosperity.

Medicinally, cut-leaf toothwort has been used to reduce fever and treat headaches and colds.
Written by Amy Demers, founder of the Connecticut Foraging Club. To learn more about foraging in Connecticut, check out our upcoming classes.