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Cinnabar chanterelles (Cantherellus cinnabarinus) are a common choice edible mushroom that can be found in the summer months in New England.

Cinnabar chanterelles can be identified by their uniform reddish-orange color, vase shape, and forked ridges under the cap that run down the stem. Cinnabar chanterelles have a firm texture, somewhat like string cheese. They have a pinkish-cream spore print.

Cinnabar chanterelles have a mycorrhizal relationship with hardwood trees, especially beech, oak, and aspen. Therefore, they will always be found fruiting near hardwood trees. Cinnabar chanterelles grow from the ground, often in moss. Look for them growing singly or in groups along paths. They will often be found growing near other species of chanterelles.

Cinnabar chanterelles are a choice edible mushroom. They can be sautéed in butter to reveal their fruity and earthy flavor.

Cinnabar chanterelles are most often confused with wax caps (Hygrocybe spp.). Wax caps are more brittle and have true gills. Wax caps are non-toxic, but do not taste good.
Written by Amy Demers, founder of the Connecticut Foraging Club. To learn more about foraging in Connecticut, check out our upcoming classes.